Haverfordwest History

AtoZ Challenge – N: New Haverfordwest School

The Blogging from A to Z April Challenge is for bloggers who wish to participate, by publishing a blog post every day in April except for Sundays. Each blog post will focus on a letter of the alphabet. For example April 1 will be A, April 2 will be B, April 3 will be C, and on it goes. By the end of April, a blog post for every letter of the alphabet will have been published.   Blog posts are usually on a theme, or you can choose to post each day with no theme at all. My theme for 2024 is “Haverfordwest in the News”.  Haverfordwest is a town in the county of Pembrokeshire, Wales.

#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter N


from: Western Daily Press, Monday 15 February 1864, page 3

On Thursday evening the new schoolroom in connection with the Tabernacle Chapel at Haverfordwest was opened, a soiree or musical entertainment, and tea, being given on the occasion.

The room was very handsomely decorated by a committee of ladies, under the superintendence of Messrs George Lewis, Taylor, and Dawkins. The room, although a capacious one, was crowded, many being unable to obtain admittance, and several hundreds being detained in the adjoining chapel, till accommodation could be provided.

Mr John Madocks occupied the chair a unanimous vote, and on the platform were the Revds. H. C. Long, T. Burditt, T. Heely, J. Williams, and Dr. Davies, Messrs J. Marychurch, W. Marychurch, S. Taylor, J. Thomas, C. Saies, J. Ponting Brewer, Alfred John, Wm. Harding, and A. Beynon.  Among the ladies on the platform were the members of the Tabernacle choir, Mrs Blethyn, Mrs Marychurch, Mrs C. Saies. Mrs T. Davies, Mrs Williams, Misses Blethyn, Brown, Llewellyn, Heely, Williams, Palmer, and many others.

Appropriate addresses were delivered by the ministers present, and Mr Taylor read the financial report, by which it appeared that nearly the whole of the debt on the building was already liquidated.

In the course of the evening some good selections of sacred and secular music were excellently sung, and Harding, organist of St. Mary’s Church, presided at the harmonium with his usual ability.

The duet sung by Misses Carter and Llewellyn was the gem of the evening, and received a vociferous encore. The school committee deserve the most hearty thanks for the manner in which they have carried on their plans, and the meeting was one of the most successful of this description that has been held Haverfordwest for some time.

from: South Wales Daily News, Friday 03 October, 1873, page 3

A special meeting of this Board was held in the magistrates’ room of the Shire Hall, on Monday evening, presided over by Mr. R. H. Harvey, vice chairman, the other members present being Mr. J. W. Phillips, Mr. John Green, Mr. George Phillips, and Mr. William John. The committee appointed to make certain required alterations in the contract for the erection of the new school buildings in Prendergast, reported that these had been attendee of to, and had been approved of by Mr. John Davies, the contractor.

The plans, specifications, and contract were then duly signed and sealed. The estimate of Mr. Joseph Lewis, for the erection of the ventilating bell turret at the boys’ schoolroom in Barn Street, at a cost of £14 18s  was accepted. The work is to be executed under the superintendence of the architect, Mr. T. P. Reynolds, and in accordance with plans and specifications which have been approved of by the Board.

The question of borrowing £200 for the recent improvements of the boys’ schoolroom in Barn Street, and for paying of a certain debt on that building was considered, but it was thought advisable to still further consider the matter at the next meeting.  It was explained that the proposal to borrow this sum was with a view of spreading over a number of years the payment for all permanent improvements, in accordance with the Education Act.

**Please notePunctuation and paragraphs have been added to the above transcription for ease and speed of reading. 

1873, HAVERFORDWEST SCHOOL BOARD, South Wales Daily News, Friday 03 October 1873, page 3. Retrieved 11 December 2023 from britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk

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4 thoughts on “AtoZ Challenge – N: New Haverfordwest School”

  1. Enormous changes in education throughout the 19th century but certainly to start off with education through the churches was very important and all that was available to most people.

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