Persevering Welshwomen
The following article about a group of Welsh Women, who took it into their own hands to repair a road, when the council ignored there requests, was posted in a newspaper in Australia.

“The women of haverfordwest – worthy descendants of those brave Pembrokeshire, women who used their red cloaks with such success, in repelling the attempted French invasion, at Fishgurard in 1797, are once more banded together in the public service. Last week (says the “British Weekly:, of Dec 25), a band of 10 got to work on an almost impassible road leading from Hook to Haverfordwest, the highway over which the women have to struggle on market days.
Despairing of getting the Pembrokeshire County Council to do the necessary work, by other means, they decided to effect temporary repairs themselves, and thus shame the public authorities into action“.
Being of Welsh ancestry, this article made me think of my female Welsh ancestors. I’m sure my great great grandmother Martha LLOYD was a very determined and perservering woman. With her husband John TAYLOR and two sons, one a toddler, the other an infant, she made the journey to Australia to give her family a better life. I’m sure that took great sacrifice and perseverance. I truly owe her a debt of gratitude, and thank her for her sacrifice, which gave me the comfortable life I have today.
The image below is not the particular women mentioned in the above newspaper story. I came across this photo of a group of Welsh Women in a family history magazine. There were no names given to these ladies, but they definitely look to me like very strong, determined and persevering women.

Maitland Daily Mercury, 30 January 1914
Image: Tracing Your Family History Magazine, Issue 25.
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