Haverfordwest History

Theme Reveal: April AtoZ Challenge 2024 #atozchallenge

The Blogging from A to Z April Challenge is for bloggers who wish to participate by publishing a blog post every day in April except for Sundays. Each blog post will focus on a letter of the alphabet. For example April 1 will be A, April 2 will be B, April 3 will be C, and on it goes. By the end of April, a blog post for every letter of the alphabet will have been published.   Blog posts are on a theme of your choice, or you can choose to post each day with no particular theme.

Today is Theme Reveal Day for the Blogging April A to Z Challenge 2024. I am always excited for this day, when I get to reveal my much thought about theme, and to read about the themes that other bloggers have chosen. Over the years, I have participated in this challenge on four blogs – my lifestyle blog, my family history blog, my book blog and my one place study blog. In 2016, I participated on two blogs. I can say that the challenge of posting two posts a day for a month was more stress than anyone needs. I most probably won’t be doing that again.

I really do enjoy this challenge for many reasons. Aside from the discipline it takes to be organised, and post every day, I love the opportunity to connect with other bloggers. These bloggers are blogging on a diverse range of topics, with most being vastly different to the blogs that I usually read. A few of the previous themes that I’ve chosen are My Ancestors, The Places Where my Ancestors Lived and The Story of Me.

This year I came close to deciding not to have a theme, but decided that I need the structure of a theme in order to post daily for a month. My theme for 2024 is Haverfordwest in the News. I decided on this theme late in 2023, so have had time to plan, do any extra research required, and gather a collection of newspaper articles that I’m looking forward to sharing.

The Blogging April A to Z Challenge will start on Monday April 1, with a post every day except on Sundays. To make sure you don’t miss any posts, subscribe with your email address for updates. If you would like to join in the fun of this challenge, there is a master link where you can add your blog here

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16 thoughts on “Theme Reveal: April AtoZ Challenge 2024 #atozchallenge”

  1. I look forward to see how your blogging journey goes during April and looking back at some of the previous years. This will be my first year doing this.

  2. Thanks for visiting. I will pop over and check out your theme. I agree that we need more history bloggers in this challenge

  3. That sounds like a challenge! I have blogged daily on my 365snap one (mostly just photos with some haikus) for 2 years and it makes life busy. I now just post to it occasionally but this might be a great way to do a mini sprint. So the theme is entirely up to the blogger? Where does one link up as I didn’t see that info above? Thanks. Bernie

  4. Jennifer, I love that you have been preparing for this A-to-Z challenge since late 2023. I can’t wait to read your posts. I will mention that I will be late stopping in for the first few letters, but I will be around. Good luck with the challenge.

  5. Thanks Kristin. Your theme for this year, has given me an idea for a theme in 2025. Only one week to go now!

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